100% Discount || The Complete B2B Sales Course: Lead Generation to Closing

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The Complete B2B Sales Course: Lead Generation to Closing


  • No prior experience necessary! We’ll teach you everything you need to know.


The Complete B2B Sales Course: Lead Generation to Closing
Master the art of B2B sales to include prospecting, lead generation, scripting, and closing from a Master Sales Trainer

Let’s face it. Sales is full of ups and downs, highs and lows, and tons of rejection. But it’s something about that one sale you do get that makes it all worth it.

So, how do you get more B2B sales? This is a leading question beginning sales professionals always ask. A better question is, what are the top sales professionals doing that I’m not to get unlimited leads and constant referrals?

In this course, we let the cat out of that bag. No longer are the sales tactics used by leading professionals a secret. This course will teach you how to master prospecting, lead generation, scripting, and handling objection. And this isn’t even half of it. You’ll also learn how to build trust quickly, and develop a mental framework that instills confidence when selling.

Here are the 10 B2B Sales modules this course will cover:


Most salespeople agree they should be doing more prospecting.  They also agree that if they prospected more their sales would go up.  In this module, Eric will share with you proven techniques on how to prospect.  I will also share how to shift your mindset do you can boldly, fearlessly prospect anyone.

Many of the techniques I cover you will be able to immediately use to prospect for more business.  If you know that you would make more sales by increasing your prospecting, then this is a must listen to the course.  Each idea you learn you will have for the rest of your life!

Lead Generation:

Generating new leads is the lifeblood of any business.  In this module, Eric Lofholm will share his best lead generation ideas that helped him build his database from zero leads to over 50,000!  First Eric will cover lead generation best practices to generate hundreds or even thousands of additional leads.

Next, you will learn the mindset of a superstar lead generator.  Then Eric will share his #1 lead generation strategy that has generated more than 1,000 leads for him.  Eric also talks about the importance of keeping your leads organized.

In total, you will learn numerous tried and true lead generation ideas.  Once you have completed this course you will be able to immediately implement the ideas to start generating more leads!

Appointment Setting:

An appointment setting is one of the most important skillsets for a salesperson to learn and ultimately master. Eric Lofholm has been setting appointments since 1996. Eric began as an appointment setter for motivational superstar Tony Robbins.

He was then promoted to manage the appointment setting department. In 1999 Eric started his own sales training company and was responsible for booking all his appointments. In this course, Eric shares the best practices he has used to keep his calendar filled with appointments for over 20 years.

He will reveal his mindset as well as his best ideas about appointment setting. After completing this course, you will have ideas you can immediately use to book more appointments. You will have these skills for life.

Getting Referrals:

The purpose of this module is to teach how to get an extra hundred to a thousand referrals. With those extra referrals, I want you to generate extra additional income from the ideas of this program!

There are 3 ways to elevate your results with referrals – Inner Game, Outer Game and Action. The inner game is your mindset. The outer game is the how-to. Action is what you do.

My all-time number one idea is Continuous Sales Improvement (CSI), and you want to apply it to referrals. CSI is a lifelong commitment to working on your sales skills for 15 minutes to an hour a week and today we are working on referrals. You can look for referral techniques on YouTube, podcasts, books, and from other experts in your industries. Model other techniques to elevate your results.

Sales Scripting:

In this module, you will learn how to predictably increase your results with sales scripting.


Who this course is for:

  • New, beginner, and advanced level sales professionals looking to learn new skills to add to their tool belt.

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