100% Discount || Guided Mindfulness Meditation | Stress Management Mastery

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Guided Mindfulness Meditation | Stress Management Mastery


  • no prerequisites


“Mindfulness means being awake. It means knowing what you are doing.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn


Hello and welcome to my new course “Guided Mindfulness Meditation | Stress Management Mastery” 🙂

Learn How To Master Your Personal Stress Management With The Help Of Professional Guided Mindfulness Meditations!




  • I am happy to welcome you to this course!
  • You are interested in the topic of How to meditate with mindfulness for stress management you are looking for an easy guideline that is giving you a hands-on solution in terms of mindfulness meditation?
  • And you would like to be inspired with practical input with the topic “Learn How To Master Your Personal Stress Management With The Help Of Professional Guided Mindfulness Meditations!”

– If that is the case, then THIS COURSE is the right one for you!




  • MINDFULNESS MEDITATION can help you to calmly anticipate the inevitable coming and going of thoughts, emotions, sensations.
  • The simple meaning of Mindfulness is ‘remembering to be aware‘, so it helps us to observe and learn how our mind works. A good way of describing MINDFULNESS MEDITATION is that the deliberate act of paying attention to the present moment, free of the judgement.
  • This brings you in a mode of relaxation, balance and inner peace.
  • The positive effects of MINDFULNESS MEDITATION on mental and overall health are well documented and backed up by hundreds of scientific studies.
  • In the far east the practical value of MINDFULNESS MEDITATION is known for more than 2000 years, as it is taught in the context of Buddhism. As a non-sectarian philosophy MINDFULNESS MEDITATION is open to all people interested – regardless of their religion or background.

– If that is interesting for you, then THIS COURSE is the right one for you!




  • experience STRESS MANAGEMENT!
  • calm down, relax & balance yourself!
  • get access to additional relaxation music, nature sounds & guided meditations!

– then THIS COURSE Is the right one for you!




  • The author, Kevin Kockot has a Master of Arts Degree (M.A.) in Prevention & Health Promotion.
  • He was an online content creator for years in the field of health, healing and relaxation.
  • He teaches thousands of students on several platforms, including Udemy, Insight Timer and Skillshare.
  • He worked as an entrepreneur where I give lectures and seminars on topics of prevention and health promotion.  For example: He is giving seminars on the topic of relaxation and stress management regularly.
  • So he was sharing his information to hundreds of people each year on the topics mentioned. Meditation can also be a way to relax, but it is much more!




  • Several working hours were going into the preparation of this content, that I made for everyone interested to find out more about “Guided Mindfulness Meditation | Stress Management Mastery“!
  • My goal is to help you living a healthy and self-determined life!
  • I am convinced that meditation can be a great tool to reach that – that is my motivation!




1. INTRODUCTION | Introduction to this course

2. DEFINITION MEDITATION | What is Meditation?

3. DEFINITION MINDFULNESS |  What is Mindfulness?

4. SCIENCE | Scientific studies that show the benefits of meditation.

5. EMOTIONS | How to control your emotions with the help of meditation

6. FEELINGS | How to deal with feelings and emotions while meditating

7. THOUGHTS | How to manage your thoughts during meditation


9. ADDITIONAL GUIDED MEDITATIONS | Practical instructions for meditation

10. MEDITATION SOUNDS | Sounds to relax & calm down

11. FAQ | Frequently asked questions about meditation

12. BONUS SECTION | Enter this section if you are curious to find out which present is waiting for you!




  • You have nothing to loose! But a lot to learn about Guided Mindfulness Meditation | Stress Management Mastery!
  • Enroll now! New insights are waiting for you!
  • I am happy to meet you in this course! Kevin


If you have the feeling something is missing – please feel free to contact me on Udemy anytime! I am happy to answer you add lectures based on your recommendations!

As you are my customer your happiness is my highest goal! 🙂

Please also give me feedback for this course!

That helps me as a course creator a lot to improve the course! 🙂

Thank you!

See you in the course! 🙂

Best regards,



PS: Thanks to  Erokia/JordanPowell – Sound Design Freesoundorg/people/Erokia/ (Commons Attribution 3.0)

Who this course is for:

  • … People that want to manage your stress with the help of guided meditations!
  • … People that want to manage your stress with the help of mindfulness!
  • … People that want to calm down, relax and balance yourself!
  • … People that want to come back to happiness and joy with the help of practical tips!
  • … People that want to use their breath to connect to yourself and find inner peace!
  • … People that want to use their imagination to manifest the life you want!

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