100% Discount || Graphic Design: Side Hustle to Self-Employed

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Graphic Design: Side Hustle to Self-Employed

Wanting more as a designer at any level!
Are you thinking about going full-time as a freelancer in graphic design?

Even if you are just ramping up your freelance life after hours, this class will give you a bunch of tools and tips that will set you up for success!

It’s a huge endeavor to get a business off the ground – especially if the business is in creative production ( like graphic design, 3D modeling, illustration, etc). Not only are you responsible for your day-to-day deliverables, but you also have to market yourself, bill clients, network, and so much more! Plus, if you are starting freelance biz while working a 9-5 job (as extra money or a way to transition full time to freelance) you’ve got even fewer hours to play with! Let’s not mess around ok?!

Ready for a freelance mentor? Here I am!

20 years of design experience, 10 of which as a fully self-employed design professional- I’ve worked for many household brand names, but that wasn’t always the case… I started in the basement and hustled my way through 80 hour work weeks to cut ties with the day job life and get out on my own. I have my share of networking horror stories, deadbeat clients, and way too many things I would have done differently if I had only known better! And that’s what I bring to you!

You can learn design in school and off youtube for sure, but when it comes to the reality of making this your livelihood? Well, that’s where I’m handy 🙂

We are going to go into:

Where to best use your time so you aren’t spinning your wheels

What needs to happen FIRST so you don’t waste time backtracking

How you can set up client boundaries to protect your sanity

Social media starting with fan #0001

Great multitasking hacks to get the most out of your time spent

What needs to be on your website – and what DOES NOT!

By the end of this class, you’ll be well on your way to having that freelance side hustle up and running the right way – FAST!

Avoid the mistakes and time-wasting pitfalls so common in the industry so you can focus on the creative part – the whole reason you got into it in the first place!

Who this course is for:
Beginning Design Students
Overworked Assistant Designers
Career Changers
Design Interns

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