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Master C++ Programming From Beginner To Advance – C++ Course


  • Computer or Laptop and C++ Compiler and IDE, Like Codeblocks , Visual Studio etc.
  • No Prior Programming knowledge is required.


Master C++ Programming From Beginner To Advance – C++ Course

C++ Programming , C++ Tutorial, C++ Lecture, C++ Course

Concepts of C++ Programming are made very simple and easy.

Course Highlights

  1. Explained each topic with help of picture and example.
  2. Practical Session for each Topic
  3. 3-Projects – ATM system, Student Management & Hacking Tool – keylogger in C++
  4. Mind-map
  5. Notes – ppt
  6. 100+ MCQ’s
  7. 15 Assignments
  8. Interview Preparation ( Top Frequently asked Questions )
  9. Coding Exercise
  10. C++ Deep Dive all the way till Multi-threading
  • Topics :
  • Introduction to Basics of Computer ( Beginners )
  • What is Computer ?
  • Computer Architecture
  • RAM – Random Access Memory
  • CPU – Central Processing Unit
  • Operating System
  • Computer Language
  • Basics of Computer Quiz
  • Introduction to Programming ( Mind Map )
  • What is Programming in general ?
  • Why we should learn C++ ?
  • What is C++ ?
  • What is Compiler and IDE ?
  • Quiz 2: Introduction to Programming Quiz
  • Compiler and IDE Setup
  • Best IDE’s For C++
  • Installing Visual Studio for C++
  • Installing Codeblocks for C++
  • Introducing Program Structure in C++ Program ( Mind map )
  • Header
  • Namespace
  • Main Function
  • Block and Semicolon
  • Writing First C++ Program
  • User Input and Output in C++ Program
  • Recap Program Structure Mind-map
  • Quiz 3:Program Structure Quiz
  • Identifiers
  • Keywords
  • Data Types
  • Variables
  • Operators
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Logical Operator
  • Comparison Operator
  • Recap Important terminologies of C++ Programming ( Mind-map )
  • Quiz 4: Important terms Quiz
  • Introducing Important Terminologies in C++ Programming
  • Introduction Conditions in C++ Mind-map
  • Condition in C++
  • If Condition
  • If Else Condition
  • Else if Condition
  • Switch Case
  • Recap Conditions in C++ Mind-Map
  • Quiz 5:Condition in C++
  • Introducing String in C++ Programming Language ( Mind-map )
  • Why Strings are used in C++ ?
  • String concatenation
  • How to calculate string length ?
  • How to take string as input ?
  • Example on String
  • Recap String in C++ ( Mind-map )
  • Quiz 6: String Quiz
  • Introduction to Loops
  • What / why of Loop
  • For Loop
  • While Loop
  • Do While Loop
  • Break and Continue
  • Quiz 7: Loop Quiz
  • Why Array ?
  • What is Array ?
  • Creating , Initialize and Modify Array
  • Program of find Minimum no. in Array
  • Why Functions in C++?
  • Example Of Function
  • Function and Main Memory
  • Various Forms Of Function
  • What and Why Of Function Overloading?
  • 1st Way Of Function Overloading
  • 2nd Way Of Function Overloading
  • Drawback Of Function and inline Function
  • Quiz 8: Functions in C++
  • What and Why Of Structure
  • Define Structure in C++
  • Example of Structure
  • Nesting Of Structure
  • Structure padding
  • Quiz 9:Structure in C++ Quiz
  • Why Object Oriented Programming
  • Example of OOP
  • Key Note on Member Function and Member Variable
  • Access Specifier
  • Characteristics of OOP
  • Quiz 10: OOP Quiz
  • Mini Project – ( ATM System in C++ )
  • Why Constructor?
  • Default Constructor
  • Parametrized Constructor
  • Copy Constructor
  • Constructor Overloading
  • Constructor Program
  • Quiz 11: Constructor in C++
  • Operator Overloading
  • Overloading Post and Pre Increment
  • Introduction Inheritance Mind-Map
  • What is Inheritance?
  • Why Inheritance ?
  • Inheritance Example
  • Constructor and Inheritance
  • Function Overriding
  • isA and hasA Relation
  • Types Of Inheritance
  • Ways of Inheritance
  • Quiz 12: Inheritance Quiz
  • What is Pointer?
  • Why Pointer is Used?
  • Program in Memory
  • Pointer Notation
  • Pointer and Array
  • Pointer and Function
  • Memory Management – NEW
  • Memory Management – DELETE
  • Pointer Application Program
  • Pointer Limitations
  • this Pointer
  • Quiz 13: Pointers Quiz
  • Introduction to Pointer – Mind-map
  • Introduction to Polymorphism
  • Base Class Pointer and Derived Class Object
  • What is Virtual Function?
  • Why Virtual Function with Example
  • Abstract Class and Pure Virtual Function
  • More about Polymorphism
  • Virtual Destructor
  • Quiz 14 : Polymorphism Quiz
  • What is friend in general?
  • What is Friend Function?
  • Question on Friend Function
  • What is Friend Class ? + practical
  • Overloading Comparison Operator – With Friend Function
  • Quiz 15:Friend Quiz
  • Introduction to Static Member – Mind map
  • Static Member Variable
  • Static Member Function
  • Quiz 16: Static Member Variable & Function Quiz
  • Introducing File Input- Output
  • What are Streams?
  • Classes and Object for Input-Output
  • How reading and writing is done in file?
  • Write data into FILE
  • Reading data from FILE
  • Tellg in C++
  • Tellp Function
  • Seekg Function
  • Seekp Function
  • Quiz 17:File handling Quiz
  • Exception Handling in C++
  • Exception Handling Program in C++
  • Quiz 18: Exception Quiz
  • Basics of Data Structure
  • Introduction to STL
  • Containers in STL & Classification
  • Array – Container in STL
  • Vector – Container in STL
  • List – Container in STL
  • Stack – Container in STL
  • Queue – Container in STL
  • Priority Queue – Container in STL
  • Map – Container in STL
  • Multimap – Container in STL
  • Unordered Map – Container in STL
  • Set – Container in STL
  • Multiset – Container in STL
  • Unordered Set – Container in STL
  • Algorithms in STL
  • Container in Container
  • Quiz 19: STL Quiz
  • What and Why of Template in C++
  • Function Template
  • Class Template
  • Final Project – Student management in C++
  • Interview Preparation – Top frequently asked questions
  • Coding Exercise
  • What and Why of lambda in C++
  • lambda Function with value
  • lambda Function with reference
  • Multi-threading in C++
  • Multi-threading with function
  • Multi-threading with class – member function
  • Multi-threading with Lambda Function

ByteBoard – VeDinesh Academy provides smart classroom-type learning by breaking long lectures into short and crisp for each topic.

We explain concepts with examples and pictures for better understanding, moreover we apply the Mind-Map technique that would definitely help you in connecting the dots and remembering the concepts forever.

We are highly motivated and passionate to provide you high-quality, simplified, and in-depth training at an affordable price.


Who this course is for:

  • For Beginner C++ developers , Course covers c++programming concepts in depth.

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