100% Discount || ASP.NET MVC | Build a Complete eCommerce App

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ASP.NET MVC | Build a Complete eCommerce App


  • Basic understanding of C# is recommended, but not required


ASP.NET MVC is a design pattern used to archive the separations of concerns. With MVC(model-view-controller) you can easily decouple user-interface (view), data (model), and application logic (controller).

This course will teach you all you need to know to build personal or commercial applications using ASP.NET MVC (.NET 5) as your development framework. You will start with just an empty project in Visual Studio and build your app from the ground up.

As data storage, you will use an SQL database and Entity Framework will be used to interact with your data. You will also learn how to update database schema using Entity Framework migrations, how to add data to the database, get data from the database, update data in the database and also delete data from the database.

You will learn about creating services to work with your data, but also create generic services/repositories to help you implement commonly used tasks like creating, reading, updating, and deleting data from the database.

Other important features include dynamic content rendering with ViewComponenets, Paypal payments integration role-based UI rendering.

You will learn all these, step by step with hands-on practice. You will also have a lot of quizzes that will help to improve your knowledge of the ASP.NET MVC framework.

Some of the topics that this course covers are:

  • Introduction to ASP.NET MVC
  • Models vs ViewModels
  • Views vs PartialViews
  • SQL server configuration with Entity framework
  • Entity Framework migrations
  • Adding, Getting, Updating and Deleting data from an SQL database using Entity Framework
  • Working with relational and non-relational data
  • Dependency injection
  • Major dependency injection lifetimes
  • Static and generic services/repositories
  • Model binding and validation
  • Routing
  • Cookie-based authentication
  • Role-based authorization
  • Role-based UI rendering
  • Sorting, Filtering, and Paging
  • Dynamic rendering with ViewComponents
  • Online payments using Paypal SDK

and much more…

You can find the source code of this course on my Github account: @etrupja/complete-ecommerce-aspnet-mvc-application

Who this course is for:

  • Any developer interested in learning how to build ASPNET MVC applications from scratch

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