Dedication to your non-profit’s marketing
This class includes a free companion eBook!
***Two new tutorials added 10/28/21***
• Canva: Changing Color images to Black & White for cheaper printing
• Canva: Creating EASY branded social media posts so your feeds look consistent and professional while saving you time!
You opened your mouth at the PTA meeting about how your group should have a better social media presence, didn’t you? And you got stuck with the job, huh? Been there! Because I’m a professional designer, I typically have to hide under the table at those meetings – BUT – getting roped into them and then training other PTA groups how to use theirs as non-designers really inspired me to create this course.
>> SPOILER ALERT: This is NOT a class for graphic designers to create a better social media presence for their non-profit clients. This is a class for ANYONE to provide their group, business, etc with the tools and know-how to LOOK professional – even without a design background. <<
Did you find yourself in charge of the marketing for your non-profit? And you aren’t a designer? No problem!
In this class, we will walk through the tools you need to create eNewsletters, beautiful social media posts, posters, and more.
No! I won’t walk you through HOW to design each project. Why would you want everything you make to look the same?
Instead, I am going to introduce you to the industry standards, get you caught up in lightning speed on marketing jargon, and give you plenty of tips and tricks to save time and really make your organization shine!
Like did you know there was ONE size you can use on all social media feeds that looks great? Never mind having to make a kabillion different shape posts! I’ll give it to you 🙂
What the heck are hashtags and how can you use them to reach more people? Here’s a lesson and a FREE resource to use!
Where to get images you won’t get in trouble for using? Check out my favorite FREE royalty-free image site.
What on earth should you post? I give you buckets of ideas you can pull from when you get stuck.
Sick of Comic Sans? Check out this FREE font site and how you know if your organization can use it without needing a license!
ENewsletters feel like a daunting task? I’m giving you tons of ideas, tips, and even my favorite FREE newsletter creation site to get you up and running FAST!
As a designer, I always get suckered into everyone’s marketing projects! My kid’s school PTA, environmental groups, pretty much anywhere I open my mouth with a suggestion! But as the tools have developed over the years, it is actually something anyone can do!
You do NOT have to be a designer or some coding guru to make beautiful outgoing materials, and I’m looking forward to showing you how!
Full eBook and Certificate of Completion included!
Who this course is for:
Non-profit support staff
School, church, club, organizations that need to share their message
Anyone with basic computer skills
No design skills necessary
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