100% Discount || DIY “Trimini” Sandals – Minimalist Leather Sandals

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DIY “Trimini” Sandals – Minimalist Leather Sandals


  • This tutorial is very beginner-friendly. Only simple tools will be used, and you probably have most of them at home already.
  • Thick and stiff leather should be used for good results (3 mm / 8-9 Oz leather thickness).


The “Trimini” Sandals are easy to make from an outline of your feet to ensure that they will be perfectly adapted to your foot shape and size.

In this tutorial, Lougaya will demonstrate how to make minimalist sandals with vegetable-tanned leather. She will explain how to make these barefoot-sandals from A to Z. It will cover the topics of making your own patterns from the outline of one’s feet, cutting the thick leather, adding soles, burnishing the edge of the leather to give a professional finish to your home-made sandals and of course, lacing them up.

We believe that even beginners can achieve this project in 2.5 to 5 hours. This tutorial is very beginner-friendly. Only simple tools will be used, and you probably have already most of them at home already.

These minimalist sandals are made for optimum stabilitydurability, and lightness. Their design has been refined to be as stable as possible and minimize the pressure and rubbing that could be caused by the laces. When well-adjusted, the laces won’t need to be touched up anymore, and it will become easy to slip them on in an instant.

Their design of these sandals was studied for more comfort and stability:
– The heel tab that comes up until the ankle, offering a very good hold by preventing the foot to slide backward and keeping the laces from rubbing on the skin.
– The extension of the sole on the inner side of the foot to completely cover and protect the most vulnerable part of our feet: the arch.
– Their zero-drop / flat sole doesn’t affect your natural posture.
– The decorative piece on the insteps keeps the tension right and minimizes the pressure on the instep that could be caused by the laces alone.

They can be made with or without a rubber sole. Of course, the rubber sole increases their durability, their resistance to water and offers a better grip on smooth surfaces.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone interested in making their own minimalist and comfortable sandals/footwear
  • People that struggle to find sandals in their foot shape and size in shops
  • Those who are interested in barefoot or minimalist shoes and barefoot walking
  • People that like making their own clothes, and homemade things
  • Leather craftsmen interested in new projects

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