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Adobe XD Ultimate Guide


  • Willingness to learn and Have Fun!
  • No Prior Experience Required. Will walk you through the basics to get Adobe Creative Cloud Account with Free Trial
  • No Prior Experience Required. Will walk you through how to Install Adobe XD 2022


Hello everyone and welcome to Adobe XD Ultimate Guide .

I’m in instructor Josh Werner and welcome to the course.

In this video we’re going to be talking about the importance of Adobe XD and then also the curriculum

that we’re going to be covering in this course.

So let’s jump into the importance of adobe XD.

So Adobe XD is designed for user experience and user interface.

So what that does is the user interface is the way that something looks, the layout, the design of

an app, a website, even on your TV.

The way that an app is designed for you to interact with video on a streaming service, for example,

that’s user interface experience is different.

How do you interact with that?

How do you click on something?

How do you touch something?

If you’re using a smartphone or tablet or a touch screen device, how do you interact with that?

That’s the user experience.

And so both of these things are important.

And what Adobe XD allows you to do is wireframe or prototype an app, a website, and then use the prototype

to run that application in XD and test it out and see how the experience is.

So you can do the user interface or the design, and then you can also test it with how it would be

with a user experience.

So it’s a way for you to do both.

So that’s why Adobe XD is important.

Now to the curriculum.

What are we going to be learning in this course?

We’re going to be talking about creative cloud plans, why each plan is unique and and where it’s best


Like should you use an individual plan, a business plan, a students and teachers plan, or schools

and universities plan, and what each one of those are and which one should use.

Then we’re going to talk about how to set up a creative cloud account, and we’ll also cover Creative

Cloud Web and how to use that interface to install Adobe XD.

From there, we’re going be talking about the welcome page, the main menu and tools, and then we’re

going to get into the fun part of the course.

We’re going to build from scratch 35 fantastic projects that you’re really going to enjoy and it’s going

to take your skill to the next level.

It’s going to level you up and help you to learn XD through building projects.

So I want to welcome you to Adobe XD Ultimate Guide.

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner to Advanced Students wanting to Learn How to Build Projects with Adobe XD 2022
  • Beginners curious about Adobe XD 2022

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