100% Discount || How To Build A Facebook Messenger Chat Bot From Scratch

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How To Build A Facebook Messenger Chat Bot From Scratch

How To Build A Facebook Messenger Chat Bot From Scratch

Learn to create your own messaging chatbot




  • Node js ( We will cover installation)
  • Express js ( We will cover installation)
  • Heroku CLI and Git ( We will cover installation)
  • SublimeText ( We will cover installation)


The latest craze in software interfaces is messenger bots, and Facebook has the largest chat platform by a long shot.
In this course, I’ll show you how to build your own Facebook Messenger Chat Bot using node js. We’ll use git to push and deploy our local  JavaScript code  to heroku cloud. We will be creating  a package .json file and installing some dependencies that our chatbot app will need.

If you don’t already have one, you need to create a Facebook account and a facebook Page.The Facebook Page is the “identity” of your bot, including the name and image that appears when someone chats with it inside Facebook Messenger.
In order to communicate with your bot, people will need to go through your Page.

This is a hands-on practical course and what you will learn includes:

What is Heroku
Creating Heroku account
Creating  a facebook page and app -Part 1
Creating  a facebook page and app -Part 2
Creating Heroku app
Creating .gitignore file
Creating function for bot to post messages -Part1
Creating function for bot to post messages -Part2
Creating a Procfile
Creating callback function for chatbot -part1
Creating callbacl function for chatbot -part2
Commiting changes
Updating npm
Creating project directory
Testing your chatbot
What is Nodejs
Installing Heroku cli
Initializing git
Initialzing package .json file
Installing dependencies
Download and install sublimeText Editor
Editing package.json file
Creating index.js file

By the end of this course you would have developed the skill to create a facebook message bot using git and heroku.

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner facebook developers
  • Beginner developers
  • Beginner programmers


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